How to Transfer Files from Your Samsung Cell Phone to Your PC Wired and Wirelessly Easily


Connect a Samsung mobile to a computerIt can be quite a simple task, without major problems. Smartphones are one of the best tools out there and, lead the first link of the most used technology worldwide, after them come computer equipment like: desktop or laptop computers.

Timing, o data exchange between electronic devices has existed since technological evolution began, since the need to share data was seen, so they were protagonists of a ‘Technological feedback’, to achieve the desired objectives and, in a way, further expand communication.

How to connect my Samsung mobile to PC to transfer data?

To connect a Samsung mobile phone to a computer, You only have to know a little about the two devices that will be the protagonists of this action, for this you must choose how you want to connect them, Yes. via USB cable or wirelessly.

By USB cable

To share information from your cell phone to your PC through a USB cable, you should know what kind of function you want your phone to fulfill, because there are three modes that will allow you to transfer information, which will be explained later, it is It is important to ensure that both devices are protected and clean from possible viruses that may exist. in these. Data transmission over a wired network is said to be slower, but at the same time safer because there are usually no deviations in the exchange channels.

Use bluetooth

Bluetooth It is a type of wireless network that allows communication and data transmission. of two devices containing the same functionality or option, this network allows data sharing as long as the devices are “related” and are at a certain distance, otherwise the functionality of this option may develop very poorly.


WhatsApp Web Telegram

These are applications that are compatible with the functionality of the Internet network, They allow you to share all kinds of data or information that meet certain requirements in order to keep them in the cloud, these are one of the most optimal options that we could consider, because it does not matter the proximity of the devices to share the information, and thanks to the cloud, after it is erased from the device, if this information was stored in the cloud, (emails, Backups, among other possibilities) could be recovered without any problem.

If I connect via USB, What is each connection mode for?

Data transfer via USB It is one of the most used options today.Next we will briefly explain the function of each of its modes.

Transfer files

This option is for share all kinds of documents, data or information that is stored in the phone memory, no matter what kind of file it is, In other words, basically the storage memory of the cell phone would fulfill the function of a pendrive.

Transfer only images

This option only allows you to share those documents compatible with image formats, as jpg or png. Providing a quick solution, convenient and safe to share multimedia files that are inside the mobile device.


This option Allows your mobile device to function as a camera that can be monitored on PC while connected via USB cable, this option on most devices must be chosen before connecting to the computer, in order to perform the permissions it requires to function optimally.

Learn to use the official Samsung application to transfer data from your mobile to your PC


This is an application that you like bridge that allows two-way information exchange between mobile and PC, but not only does it allow it, it also allows you to manage everything related to your mobile phone from the PC.

It is recommended to do it wirelessly, since it is possible that the ‘PC’ do not recognize the device via the USB cable. You can download and use the application ‘Syde Sync’ on your 'Android phone’ and on your computer to control the mobile from the ‘PC’ Y, the most important, share information.

Once the program is downloaded on both devices, open the app on the phone and accept all the permissions it asks for, leave 'the application’ open. later open the ‘Syde Sync’ program’ in the computer, select the option 'Start’ and the name of each device will appear, choose 'Connect’ and ready.

You must bear in mind that both teams must use the same WIFI. One aspect to highlight is that the mobile screen will be projected on the computer and from there you can drag the files you want to exchange. You can drag them from the computer to mobile or mobile to ‘PC’.

Other options to link my mobile to my PC

exists many ways to link a mobile to a pc, but one of the best known is:


It is another tool that has been developed in order to manage your mobile from a PC or also from a tablet, in order to facilitate the exchange of information and data in a truthful and direct way. What this app does is a “puente” between your Samsung mobile and your PC so that you can exchange almost any content you have on your mobile through this application.

How to prevent my Samsung phone and computer from getting viruses?


Connect a Samsung mobile phone to a computer, to share data, it is an action that can have not very positive consequences. The share files on devices it can bring very positive advantages or very negative disadvantages.

If you want to connect an Android or iOS phone to Windows or MAC, you need to make sure the information you want to share is free of viruses. For this you must have an antivirus downloaded both on your computer and on your mobile.

To connect a Samsung mobile to a computer, to analyze it, you can go to the official page of any antivirus. It is recommended to use the 'Avast Free Antivirus’To do this, go to their official page, download and install it, then open it and select 'Protection', 'Virus scan’ and the analysis types will be displayed as: ‘Smart Scan’ o ‘Full Virus Scan’, choose one.

Later, download an antivirus on your Android to counter them, for this ve a ‘Google Play’ and type in the search engine 'Antivirus'. A list will be displayed, it is recommended to download and install ‘Avast’, then open the application and select the option 'Analyze my device', wait a bit and that's it.

How to charge a Samsung phone with a computer?

Yes connect a Samsung mobile to a computer It seemed like a simple task and you also lost the regulator, you can try shitting your phone from a computer. Although precisely, it will not load with the same speed as it does with your original regulator, but it can get you out of trouble.


To charge a phone Samsung from a 'PC’, you must follow a few simple steps, because you don't want your mobile to reach very low battery levels. Now, with your ‘USB’ cable, connect one end to your mobile and the other to the computer.

On some Samsung devices, charging will start immediately, in others a notification will be displayed asking you what action you want to take. yes ‘Transfer files’ or ‘Just upload’Then, obviously, you must select the option 'Only load', and ready, you just have to wait for the upload to complete.

Without a doubt this action is emergency, Since the ‘Drawer’ or regulator of our phone Is always subject to loss, or it can even be damaged, but if you have the ‘USB cable’ by hand, you can use the option described above. Obviously the charging of the phone will not be as fast as usual.

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